black and white bed linen

Surface Mounted Technology

Innovative THT and SMT design, development, retrofitting and reverse engineering.

Inertial Guidance Systems

Inertial Guidance Systems provide navigational data or control without need for communicating with a base station. They are used for reentry in the atmosphere, underwater or in area, where GPS is not available or disturbed. This SMDs could be used in machinery as well.



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Sensor Technology

In the industrial automation, sensors play a vital part to make the products intellectual and exceptionally automatic. These permit one to detect, analyze, measure and process a variety of transformations like alteration in position, length, height, exterior and dislocation that occurs in the Industrial manufacture sites.



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Limiter Circuits

Limits use or access to machinery based on collected parameters. Our circuits are used mainly in medical equipment.



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Sensor technology

We design and develop sensor devices which make the difference.

Testing Sensors

Specializing in small series in guidance and sensor technology.

Reingineering is in some cases the only way to revive old but still useful machinery.

The SMBs are assembled in-house an delivered to the customer fully operational.

Assembling SMDs
Designing PCBs

Designing and Soldering

We have exceptional skills when it comes to soldering.

Swiss-smd's expertise in through-hole technology and surface-mounted-devices is unparalleled. Their focus on space technology and sensor technology sets them apart from the competition.
